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  • Why Do I Need Video?

    The answer is simple: people can't view your listing in any other interactive way without physically going to the property. Sure, you can print out flyers and cutesy crap like that, but nothing speaks true to a property than a visually aesthetic and fully interactive video tour. Nothing.So, what do we have to say to...

    Collaborative Recovery

    A short while ago we talked about how the real estate’s market recovery will more likely than not depend on full societal collaboration and participation within the market, in a post called ‘To Stabilize We Must Equalize’. If only those who are in good shape participate, then top-end properties circulate freely while...

    Throwback Thursday: NAR 2011

    NAR Annual is always a great time. Unfortunately, we weren't able to make it this year to see you all for a second dose of real estate extravaganza, but never fear, we haven't lost out entirely.

    (Our booth at NAR 2011)

    For those of you still unaware, we have been provided with the...

    To Stabilize We Must Equalize

    Speculations around market recovery are many. The desolate state in which the property market resides is remaining stagnant, with fragments of measurable recovery being made. Therein lies the question of how to inject some life into the current market; enough to drive a full recovery.A recent Vancouver Sun article highlighted a very interesting and probable theory...

    Social Marketing by EstateVue

    We have a new product that we have developed that organizes and streamlines many different social marketing methods into one powerful managed solution (meaning you don’t have to lift a finger).  The package costs $500/mo. and the deliverables are outlined as follows. Social Butterfly Package:Get out and get more social without the feeling that you’re always...

    Adaptive and Responsive Web Design

    Original article @ DigitalFamily.comResponsive Design ExampleResponsive web designs, respond to the change in a screen size by adjusting the layout of the page.In the world of web design, the only thing harder than keeping up with the ever-evolving standards in HTML, CSS, and...

    The Power of Customer Service

    Lately I've had a bout of bad experiences with horrible customer service, so here I am addressing the issue. When it comes to people doing the absolute bare bones minimum required of their job description as opposed to taking an extra 30 seconds to go the extra mile - hell, not even the extra mile, we're...

    Social Share Tool

    Social media is the primal force behind modern marketing strategies, and now with EstateVue’s new Social Share Tool, using it to promote your listings has never been easier. The Social Share Tool is a fully integrated component added to your listings allowing the freedom to instantly connect and share your listing(s) through the most popular...

    EstateVue Presents: The Dashboard

    In any business communication is key. Balls getting dropped and memo’s getting missed just won’t cut it when you’re running a well-oiled machine, but never fear – we have the perfect solution. The Dashboard by EstateVue is the ultimate engine to run your business and to keep everyone on point. The Dashboard is an internal...

    Agent Tips: Where Are Your Social Icons?

    One of the primary difficulties to creating website difficulties are the lack of content distribution involved. The best proven method to achieve optimum web traffic is to have regularly created content and, most importantly, to distribute this content by various means. For instance, sharing an article on your website, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn provides four...

    Are We There Yet? The Long Road To Recovery

    Unfortunately, no, we aren’t even close.BC, and quite possibly the rest of Canada, are presumably about to experience what economists are calling a double-dip recession, meaning that housing prices are going to drop once again, and this time in a very aggressive way. Despite being thought to have stabilized, the Canadian housing market is in...

    Single Page Property Website

    This exciting new listing tool allows us to develop a customized website specific to the house that is being sold.  To learn more about this exciting marketing tool please click here....

    Calgary Regional Search Tool

    This exclusive EstateVue search tool allows clients searching for property in Calgary to break down the city into its respective quadrants and neighbourhoods.   By leveraging this exclusive tool, people will flock back to your website to search for properties.  Increase your leads and your exposure by using the exclusive Calgary Regional Search Tool.Search by QuadrantPick...

    Social Media with True Site Integration

    When people are visiting your site, how would you like to keep them there rather than having them re-direct off to Facebook or Twitter?  Now you have full control through our innovative Social Media Portal.  With our Social Media Portal we keep every visitor right where you want them – in your site!Social Media Portal...

    Real Estate House Tracker

    EstateVue House TrackerBeing able to track new real estate listings and price changes to properties that come on the market has never been easier.  Simply sign up and you will be able to manage your profile to ensure you receive the latest updates.  The EstateVue House Tracker has shown to improve reach by up to...

    Instant Chat Tool For Your Website

    The coming of the digital age has given us the power to instantly connect with those important to us, and now we’re taking that one step further with the new Instant Chat Tool. This interactive real estate messenger feature is designed to keep you in touch with your clients and for them to keep in...

    We’re Going To RLPNSC!

    And what a mouthful of an acronym that is. The Royal LePage National Sales Conference (RLPNSC) is taking place in Vancouver, BC in just under a month and we can't wait to see you there. We'll be accompanied by our associates Enviromint to bring you a fully-rounded and detailed real estate solution covering all of...

    Boomerang Benefits

    The boomerang generation – a title freely used to describe most people who were born in the late 80′s and early 90′s, who are now in their 20′s, have gone to college or university, then moved straight back home. One of the main causes of this ‘boomerang generation’ phenomenon are the lack of available jobs...

    SEO Listing Tools For websites

    Our search engine optimized listing tools are designed with Google and the other major search engines in mind.    We have carefully programmed our toolset to work in conjunction with Google’s white papers and SEO strategies.  For example, every listing that you see in our tool is completely “indexible” and can be viewed as a standalone...

    Home Improvement Breakdown

    Every once in a while we run into some houses that have been personalized, adjusted, tailored, or whatever else you'd like to call it, just a little bit too much to the owner's liking. In fact, most of these "little changes" become a pretty "big deal" when you're trying to sell your property. This is...

    Here We Go Again

    As it turns out, the housing market is reportedly stabilizing as we, among many others, have been talking about for the past couple months. The interesting portion about this is where the stability is being derived from. From what we can see, there's a large number of investors putting their money into luxury real estate...but...

    Infinite Widget Styling on Search and custom websites

    EstateVue’s commitment to versatile technology is unparalleled, which is why we’ve taken our listing widgets to the next level. No matter what branding scheme you or your brokerage may have, our fully custom listings widget allows for specific colour schemes and sizes to be applied in an unlimited number of combinations. This infinite styling ability...

    Mobile Friendly Real Estate Websites

    Mobile friendly browsing is one of the most important features required of a modern website. Not only are EstateVue sites mobile friendly, they’re seamlessly tailored to provide the same unique desktop viewing experience and features to your clients with the convenience of viewing on their mobile devices. Our mobile friendly EstateVue sites are also designed...

    Agent Tips: Web Traffic Vs. Cold Hard Leads

    We've got to clear the air about something that's been frustrating us for quite some time now. As of late, it's come to our attention that some agent website and marketing providers have been passing along pretty hokey information to their clients, which we think is pretty un-fair.What we're referring to is the passing-along of website traffic...

    EnviroMint Partnership Announcement

    The Ultimate Real Estate Marketing and Back Office Solution

    EstateVue is pleased to announce our new partnership with EnviroMint, a paperless office solution for real estate document, transaction, and account management services. They offer a reliable back-end system that centralizes each brokerage’s information, thus improving efficiency and drastically cutting down on paper waste....

    New Design Commitment (0 Day Shelfware)

    EstateVue is all about providing the best we’ve got the second we get it, and that’s exactly what we do with our new site designs. We provide our clients with beautiful real estate websites and are never short on regularly updated designs. We release new and dynamic templates every chance we get, so checking our...

    Agent Tips: Footers. Yes, You Need Them!

    The world of real estate is riddled with interesting websites, to say the least. We're not going to dive into everything that an agent website needs to have, because we'd be here forever, but we will however point out an obvious part that we find missing A LOT: footers! As an agent or broker, your...

    Real Estate Agents Bails on the Market

    Just when you’ve seen everything in real estate, an agent steps in and gives you something to think about. Ken Roy, a Vancouver real estate agent is encouraging others to get out of the Vancouver market before the slow sales period starts to snowball. Not only is that unusual for someone in his position who...

    Vacation Homes: The Resurgence

    It's no mystery by now that the property market has been...questionable...since the middle of the past decade, and is only just starting to finally sort itself out. By no means has the market recovered, however it seems apparently stable, and is starting to show slight improvements over the past few months. We may not be...

    Celebrity house flipper settles down

    Diane Keaton, actress and house flipper extraordinaire, has finally chosen a home to settle down in. Breaking her normal habit of buying homes that need major rejuvenation and adding her own flavour of decor and and renovation, she has bought a home that’s all ready to move into. Although this change seems to be just...

    EstateVue Mobile Version

    Your EstateVue website already loads fine on Mobile browsers, but sometimes it can be a lot of information on such a small screen.  That's why we've created EstateVue Mobile Version and made it available to you at no cost.If you have a WeBuild or YouBuild website, you can enable EstateVue Mobile Version for free.  When...

    All the Single Ladies

    Some strong numbers are showing for unwed females in the North American real estate market. In fact, the stats say about 20 percent of homebuyers are single women, breaking down the old-fashioned way of committing to a husband before committing to a home (as reported by the National Association of Realtors). In the Lower Mainland...

    NAR Owns the Block

    NAR now officially owns every building on the block on which they operate off Michigan Avenue in Chicago, Illinois, after purchasing the last remaining non-NAR building - a two-story building previously occupied by the Wrigley Company. Though, we're not sure which is more surprising: their ownership of an entire commercial block,...

    QR Codes

    You may want to use a QR code in your promotional materials to direct people to your website, or to a particular listing.  Here's how: (more…)...

    Wages Are Up, Prices Are Down

    The National Association of Realtors have released results of a survey revealing interesting details. The survey’s results concluded that in 2011 there was a 2.3% increase in average salary amongst Realtors; the first increase seen in nine years. Yes, that’s right. 9 years. Now, this seems rather strange since real estate has been doing nothing...

    Protect Your Listing… Against Squatters

    Real estate agents have a list of things to worry about: legal issues, neighbours, indecisive buyers, overzealous sellers... squatters? Stories have come up more than once where unauthorized individuals have taken up residence in homes on the market. Cases like these have popped up in Texas where a Manitoban couple’s vacation home was overtaken...

    Rough Seas Ahead?

    There has been speculation, talks, meetings, discussions (whatever they may call them) about changes occurring in Canadian real estate as of late. Notably, two major blips on the radar have revealed themselves as being potently newsworthy; the first being numerous changes that the CREA have given a "thumbs up" to, and the second, a the...

    Cut Down on Paper

    Many wonder how we can start to cut down on paper with all the faxes, manuals, receipts, invoices, memos, and post-its floating around our offices and homes. Granted, it’s incredibly difficult to remove every speck of paper, but there is a way to reduce your usage enough that the recycling bin will start to feel...

    Live in a Shipping Container

    A new type of home is making its way into society’s awareness which, although a regular polygon, is quite irregular. Shipping containers, once only used for transporting goods overseas, are now being repurposed for living. Many of these containers measure between 20 and 40 feet in length, the latter offering inhabitants a total area of...

    Vancouver’s New Direction

    Earlier this year, the coastal city of Vancouver, BC, was donned the title of the 2nd most expensive city in the world, just under Hong Kong. Presumably, in light of this event, Vancouver has taken measures to address the population of their city classified within the low to medium income range...

    Can You Identify These Men?

    This picture was taken at the RE/MAX No Limits Convention in Victoria in February. Pretty awesome, right? We’re launching a nationwide search for the names of these gentlemen (we assure you, they will not be harmed). We are offering a FREE You-Build website for anyone who can correctly identify their names. Email us at socialmedia@estatevue.com...

    Facebook Timelines: A Real Estate Blessing

    Alright Agents, listen up! Facebook will be updating their "Pages' soon, to the new Timeline that has been in a testing mode for approximately a month now. Changes to the "Pages" layouts will be permanently changed within the next month, and here's why you shouldn't waste any time jumping on board with this great new...

    Vancouver Hotels Get a Social Reno

    Thirteen hotels in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside are getting renovated to transform the buildings into social housing, costing the federal and provincial governments a total of $116 million. The new single-room units will provide housing for 900 of Vancouver’s homeless or soon-to-be homeless.This project also offers an added benefit of ‘restoring the heritage value of the...

    Housing Tax Breaks in B.C.

    In British Columbia, we have a harmonized provincial and federal taxation system also known as the HST. However, this taxation system, after being implemented without public consultation or vote, was put to a vote last year, which has overruled the current system, forcing the government to return to a taxation system of separate GST and...

    Winner Winner, Chicken ______

    EstateVue is all about connecting with people (or pretending to like the for PR’s sake). So when connecting with our clients (and potential clients) we really prefer the face-to-face interaction. We of course have mastered the art of anonymous digital communication, free of awkward pauses and those gross sweaty handshakes, but if given the option,...

    You Are Now a Master of Real Estate!

    Calling all aspiring/current real estate professionals! As of today, there is officially an education center offering a Master of Real Estate Degree Program!Yes, you heard that right. This morning the National Association of Realtors announced that they were granted approval to offer a Master of Real Estate Degree program at the REALTOR® University in Illinois....

    Real Estate at the Superbowl

    After 21 years of waiting for this industry to make its splash on the coveted Super Bowl adspace, our prayers have been answered (okay, might be a slight exaggeration). Celebrating its 40 year anniversary, Century 21 Real Estate will be running a spot during the much anticipated event, featuring Donald Trump. As one of the...

    Blog Series, Part 7: Wanna Give It All You’ve Got?

    If you’ve gone through the list up until now and established that you’ve mastered every tip and trick… first of all, congratulations. Secondly, if you’re interested in ramping it up to ‘real estate agent of the future,’ think about some of these options which are far from essential, but pretty darn cool:Video blogs: If you...

    2011 Brought Some BIG Change

    Yesterday the Council on Tall Buildings and urban Habitat released A Year in Review: Trends of 2011, a report that shows skyscraper completion has increased for the fifth year in a row. What does this mean? 2011 is the year of tall buildings it looks like, with the most skyscrapers reaching completion last...

    Agent Tips

    Over the past little while it seems as though we keep throwing pieces of advice or insight into posts without really allowing these posts to be themed. So, now that we're into a new year, let's make that change happen. We now present you with our first official edition of Agent Tips; a segment focused...

    Blog Series, Part 5: Get Blogging!

    What will make you stand out and distinguish yourself as an active player in the online world of real estate? The website is nice yes, but enriching it with more content that is interesting and relevant to your clients will set yourself apart. Consider starting a blog on your website which will establish a strong...

    Happy New Year!

    We hope that everyone's holiday vacations (or not) were enjoyable and that you are attacking 2012 with some rested spirits and fresh ideas! It's amazing how this time of year works, because it is a time of reflection while also being a time of refreshment. We are all focusing on the best part or highlights...