Year End Real Estate Content Rewind!
The best way to end the year is to look back at it - that's what we're doing with our year-end real estate content rewind! Looking at what you did in the past can give you some great insight into what...
Inflation and the Rising Costs of Software For REALTORS ®
We're Talking About Inflation, Software for REALTORS ®, and What to do About Both.
This month, we're talking about inflation and the rising monthly costs of software for REALTORS ® in Canada. With many tech providers feeling the squeeze of inflation they're turning to last resort practices. As a result, many have begun raising their rates...What to look for when choosing a real estate website in Canada.
What to look for when choosing a real estate website in Canada.
There have always been a lot of website solutions available in the marketplace when it comes to websites and digital products. Whether they are geared toward real estate or they are for general business, you can find both inclusive and niche...Real Estate Marketing Trends for 2022
If you’re an eager beaver and you’re already planning next year's marketing calendar then this is the post you’ve been waiting for. We’re talking about the real estate marketing things we’re going to be putting more stock into this coming year. We’re also sharing tips on how to stay relevant, but more importantly,...