Just when you’ve seen everything in real estate, an agent steps in and gives you something to think about. Ken Roy, a Vancouver real estate agent is encouraging others to get out of the Vancouver market before the slow sales period starts to snowball. Not only is that unusual for someone in his position who is trying to well… sell, but he has put his money where his mouth is and sold his Vancouver home. Very rarely will you hear an agent comment on a dismal state of sales, let alone encourage people to cash out, because it’s simply not good for business.Although it may not be the most practical choice based on other factors (re: employment, family, friends, cost), are Mr. Roy’s claims an overreaction to a trend or is his advice warrant some serious thought? Do you admire his unwavering character for telling the truth or has he caused his career some undue harm?Join us on Twitter and tweet us your comments!Photo courtesy of Vincepal