Assuming you have a website, and you get a top-quality firm to host it, your only job is maintaining it and making sure the content is bang-on. Your marketing firm can only hold your hand so much, and the more hand-holding you get the more it will cost you. So firstly, you have to lay out your written parts so they are succinct and informative. Sound like the most obvious advice? Maybe so, but you won’t believe the amount of agents we’ve seen who write biographies about 10 times longer than anyone is willing to read. There are also those on the polar opposite that leave a lot of be desired and don’t include enough info. Try and find a balance. Include enough personal facts to make yourself accessible and welcoming but don’t pump them with your life story - it won’t make you look accessible, just self-absorbed.If you’re not sure where to start out, here’s a basic (made-up) example:"As someone who was raised in the Prairies and moved to the big city of Vancouver, I am well-acquainted with both the rural and urban experience. I live in Vancouver with my wife and three children, and when I’m not spending time with my family or working, I am enjoying the beautiful British Columbia landscape. I graduated from the University of Alberta with a degree in History with plans to go to teacher’s college. After discovering that wasn’t even close to what I wanted to do for a career, I stumbled into real estate and discovered my passion for it. Selling homes is what I’m good at and what I’ve truly enjoyed doing for the past 15 years. I started out selling all types of homes in Vancouver, but developed a particular talent for closing condo deals, so it became my specialty. The happiness of every client, whether I am buying or selling on their behalf, is of the utmost importance. I would love to help you buy or sell your next home."This realtor gave his write-up a personal touch, a background on his education and how he got into real estate, whether or not he had a specialty and a short “why you should choose me” statement. We consider this to be the bare minimum, but be wary of straying too far off and droning on and on about your personal life, if people are that interested they can ask you yourself (which by the way is a great way to establish a good realtor-client relationship).Once you’ve got the ‘about me’ section out of the way, coming up with relevant content is important. Added extras are great too, and make your website a one-stop-shop for homebuyers. Including mortgage rate information is helpful. You’re in no way a mortgage broker, but incorporating all steps of the home buying process will show that you consider everything for your client, not just the buying or selling part.Don't forget that EstateVue has a FREE AGENT WEBSITE for you to try if you don't already have a website, or are looking for a change. The Free Agent Site package contains:
- Access a professional-looking web template
- Modify and change your website colors to match your branding
- Upload your own brokerage logo
- Upload your own agent photo
- Choose from up to ten local stock photos (where available) to transition in the header, or use your own
- Display two of your own featured listings
- Link to your office/brokerage listings page, and /or the MLS
- Share your listings via the latest social media plug-ins
- Access our free support team to help you get set up and running smoothly!
Now that you've realized how awesome this is (and did we mention it was FREE?!) stop staring at the screen and start up your own Free Agent Site now!