One of the primary difficulties to creating website difficulties are the lack of content distribution involved. The best proven method to achieve optimum web traffic is to have regularly created content and, most importantly, to distribute this content by various means. For instance, sharing an article on your website, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn provides four areas where your content may receive interactions. However; if this material is only distributed by one mean (only posted via the website for example) then your content isn't exactly going to soar into the wind and capture much attention. To effectively spread your brand name and content, placing it everywhere you can is of the utmost importance.Another important thing to remember is to have social share icons available to those who interact with your content. For instance, when a user goes to your website to read an article, if they want to show their friends or audience via one of their social networks, then provide them with the means to do so instead of cutting corners and having no social share icons available. The distribution of your content is just as important as the interactions with your content. you may have the funniest, most charismatic and informative article your audience has ever read, but if there isn't a simple means of distributing your content, they won't go out of the way to do it for you. Look at is as though you're not only placing the story in their hands, but handing them a dozen copies with stamped envelopes while you're at it.Take advantage of our social icons and feel free to share this article with your friends. It could just be the key to improving someone's content strategy. For more real estate news and tips, be sure to follow us on Twitter and to Like us on Facebook.