Hotspots are flags you can place on your photos to make them more interactive. There are 4 main types of hotspot:
- Text Hotspot:: Denoted with a , a Text Hotspot will display a message of your choice when the user hovers over it. This is a good way to describe a specific feature in your photo.
- Image Hotspot: When the user clicks on the , it will zoom them into a photo of your choice. This is perfect for zooming into a photo of the view from a window, for example.
- Web Hotspot: Hovering over a will display a link to a website of your choice, and a description of that website.
- Universal Hotspot Probably the most useful hotspot, users can click these to move from the current photo or panoramic, to any other photo or panoramic of your choosing from that property. Put a Universal Hotspot on a door and link it to a panoramic photo of the next room. This is perfect for creating virtual tours of a property!
Adding a Hotspot
- To add a hotspot, simply select the photo you want to work with and then click the hotspot button.
- Right click and select the type of hotspot you wish to place.>
- Enter / upload the information for the hotspot and click "Save Hotspot".>
Remove a Hotspot
- Simply select the photo you want to work with and then click the hotspot button.
- Right click and select “Remove Hotspot” on the appropriate hotspot that you wish removed.