It doesn’t take an expert to distinguish a good website from a bad one. In fact, those who are the least technology-capable will be the best indicators of that. If your website is not easy to navigate and find essential information, it isn’t a good website. Conversely, if all of your information is crowded on to one never-ending webpage, it’s not a good website. One of the keys is organization. Simple is good, but don’t make it so simple that there is no aesthetic value whatsoever.Investing in your website shows clients and potential clients that you take your business seriously and see the value in investing in yourself. If you won’t invest, why should they? Part of a realtor’s job is to market a seller’s home, so if you can’t market yourself properly it gives little confidence that you can effectively market a home. Of course your skills could be top-notch and word of mouth might bring in loads of business despite your lack-lustre website. However, don’t overlook the power of what we call “online drop-ins.” One of the best ways to find a realtor is to ask for recommendations, but many people look to the internet and search for someone in the area.You might be a top seller, but a bad website might make potential clients scroll right past you. What incentive do they have to read more about you if all they see is your photo (if you learned anything from our past lessons, it better be a good photo!) and a lengthy blurb? The best agent might be overlooked online if you’ve got the ‘rat-infested apartment’ of websites. Upgrade to the SoHo loft and show the public that you are worth investing in. You don’t necessarily have to go full-board and get a fully customized website with every bell and whistle known to man, but hey if you want to, more power to you! If you haven’t already consulted with a reputable marketing company, that’s definitely a good start. And NO we’re not just saying it to plug our own business, whether it’s with us or with someone not as good (kidding!), we genuinely believe it’s an important step. Your marketing company will work with you on what you want to spend and arrange an option that fits into your budget. And regardless of how high or low that budget might be, you will definitely get the most bang for your buck if you let a professional handle the design.We’re speaking to all the agents who have taken the ugly shortcuts with their websites (if they even have one). There is a lot of value in having a good website; if you don’t believe us do the research, it’s a fact. Period. Now look for a marketing agency that tickles your fancy and ask them to save you from internet junkyard you’ve gotten yourself into. photo courtesy of Miserlou Behind the Aperture