Polygon Search Tool
We have a new feature integrated into our latest real estate technology software that allows us to show properties in a specific area on a map. This new tool is great for agents looking to target specific neighbourhoods, or even developments in any city. For example, if you specialize in listings for a golf course development, you can draw the polygon around that golf course and only the listings from the development will show up.
If you have a more custom site that breaks down each neighbourhood in your city, this tool is perfect. You can use our Polygon Search tool to draw an outline of each neighbourhood, which will show all listings available.
This feature also comes with 2 buttons located at the top right of the widgets, that allow the users to switch between the map view, and a grid if listings. Some people prefer to look at listings instead of a map, so this option allows them to browse exactly how they like.
You are also able to choose how many listings load in both the map and grid. We recommend showing as many listings in the map as possible to avoid paging.
- Enter the city in which you wish to show listings in map view
- Query listings by a specifically drawn area
- Switch between listing grid or map view
- Choose hoe many listings you want to show in both the map and listing grid
- Choose whether you want the map or the grid to load first
- Enable the Map and Grid button to allow the user to switch between the both easily
If you're interested in our latest real estate technology feature to your current EstateVue website, click here to contact us.